Previously on TIWY (Season 7 : Episode 3)

November 20, 2023

In a thunderous and rather rainy flashback we find Mother Nature and Father Time have decided to go forward with their plan to leave their child with Prosef (of the Royal Kingdom). Father Time cast a spell to expunge the whole sordid experience from all of their minds (except Prosef, his brain was left intact.)

On discovery of the child, Pointy Face decided to surprise the King and Queen with the gift of a daughter. The Royal parents were drunkenly thrilled, if not a bit drunkenly confused, by the offering.

At the Hawt Witch’s hut Mori and Bastien were awakened by Hawt Witch’s morning song. Hawt Witch diagnosed Mori’s headaches as the universe talking to her. Hawt Witch also gave the two a very magical amulet with the power to repel bears for a mile in all directions which would be quite enough to keep The Village safe from future bear attacks. Actually… the amulet was just a rock, but if Mori really sold it, no one would be the wiser.

At The Village Lil’ Brock was cheering on Brock as he managed the fortification of The Village’s perimeter. Seems everyone at The Village now had their very own pillbug named Lil’ (Insert Name Here) – it wasn’t not a little bit disconcerting. Queen Bee was pretty pissed that Brock took it upon himself to recruit worker bees for the fortification project taking them away from making honey.

At the top of the Misty Mountains Father Time caught on to Step Mother Nature’s attempt to poison him (in her efforts to remain youthful). Life Supreme pointed out the domino effect Step Mother Nature actions (or lack thereof) were having on the ecosystem she supposed to be overseeing: The mosquito population was exploding because the spider population had been decimated because the skink (a lizard) population was getting out of control because the fennec foxes went extinct from lack of water.

The Royal Army, still reeling from a honey badger attack, were marching ever onward to The Village but their efforts were once again thwarted by enormous swarms of mosquitoes. In the end – everyone had dengue.

Mori and Brock made it back to The Village. During “Shitty” Mori’s trial The Village was attacked by Honey Buzzards. This sealed Mori’s fate and a makeshift jail cell was built around her as she writhed on the ground with another one of her weird headaches. After Bastien was sent on an urgent mission to find the man in a tower who could talk to hawks, Mori attempted to send a message to Hawt Witch by talking to the plants.

Holy Shit, it worked! Hawt Witch came to Mori’s aid and was able to hum her headache away. At that very moment Father Time came for his nightly talk with Dave the Dolphin (still in the stockades). This encounter between Mori, Hawt Witch, and Father Time came with some suspiciously awkward silences. This did not go unnoticed by the all-seeing eye of Step Mother Nature.

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